
Educational Special Lecture

A multi-omics study of treatment-related metabolic deprograming in pancreatic cancer

Professor Irving W. Wainer
PAZ Pharmaceuticals, USA

Plenary Speakers

Peptide-based affinity monoliths for the purification and analysis of antibodies in biological matrices

Professor Jacques Crommen
University of Liege, Belgium
Preparation of monodisperse molecularly-imprinted polymers and their application to pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis

Professor Jun Haginaka
Mukogawa Women's University, Japan
Effective separation system for new drug modalities utilizing temperature-responsive chromatography

Professor Hideko Kanazawa
Keio University, Japan
Potential of lipidomics in clinical research

Professor Michael Laemmerhofer
University of Tuebingen, Germany

Invited Speakers

Integrated analytical methods in neurodegeneration drug discovery

Professor Vincenza Andrisano
University of Bologna, Italy
Searching for prognostic biomarkers of parkinson´s disease for early treatment through a multiplatform metabolomics approach

Professor Coral Barbas Arribas
CEU University, Spain
SPR optical biosensor studies for monitoring biorecognition phenomena

Professor Carlo Bertucci
University of Bologna, Italy
A workflow for profiling enzyme ligands from natural product extracts

Professor Quezia B. Cass
Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brasil
Advantages and limitations of capillary electrophoresis in chiral drug analysis

Professor Bezhan Chankvetadze
Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Contribution of proteomics to the development of new therapeutics

Professor Marianne Fillet
University of Liege, Belgium
What is the real potential of modern supercritical fluid chromatography for pharmaceutical applications?

Professor Davy Guillarme
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Enhancing sensitivity, specificity and analysis throughput for LC/ESI-MS/MS assessment of vitamin D status by derivatization with DAPTAD

Professor Tatsuya Higashi
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Bioequivalence and dissolution profile: the importance of discriminative dissolution methods

Professor Vladimir Ioffe
Teva, Israel
Protein terminomics to uncover human proteoform atlas

Professor Yasushi Ishihama
Kyoto University, Japan
Rapid screening neuraminidase inhibitors from natural products based on magentic beads ligand fishing or/and at-line nanofractionation

Professor Zhengjin Jiang
Jinan University, China
Analytical method development for innovative new drugs

Professor Kumiko Sakai-Kato
Kitasato University, Japan
HPLC column for 100-nm nanoparticles analysis

Professor Masaru Kato
Showa University, Japan
Screening and structure determination of protective substances against senile dementia: from analytical chemistry to neurochemistry

Professor Masahiro Kawahara
Musashino University, Japan
Chemiluminescence assay for quinones based on their redox reaction and its application to biomedical analysis

Professor Naoya Kishikawa
Nagasaki University, Japan
Evaluation of drugs using liquid chromatography for prediction of side effects

Professor Yukihiro Kuroda
Mukogawa Women's University, Japan
Development of biomarkers for various diseases using chromatography and mass spectrometry

Professor Masamitsu Maekawa
Tohoku University, Japan
Innovative supports for the development of chromatographic immobilized enzyme reactors

Professor Gabriella Massolini
Pavia University, Italy
Selective microscale separation of exosomes

Professor Koji Otsuka
Kyoto University, Japan
Recent advances in carbon-based nanosensors and biosensors and their applications in drug assay and life sciences

Professor Sibel A. Ozkan
Ankara University, Turkey
Functionalized carbon nanomaterials as building blocks for the development of biosensors

Professor Gustavo Rivas
Cordoba National University, Argentina
Improvement in endogenous metabolomic coverage with separation techniques

Professor Serge Rudaz
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Native separation, mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry of proteins

Professor Govert Somsen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Partial filling technique in capillary electrophoresis for the automated analysis of glycoprotein glycans and related compounds

Professor Shigeo Suzuki
Kindai University, Japan
Analytical challenges and strategies for plant-derived monoclonal antibodies

Professor Caterina Temporini
University of Pavia, Italy
Promoting crystallization of intrinsic membrane proteins with conjugated micelles

Dr. Thien Van Truong
The University of Danang, Vietnam
Analysis of chiral drugs in environmental matrices

Professor Maria Elizabeth Tiritan
Porto University, Portugal
Bioanalysis of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies using DNA aptamers as new affinity ligands

Professor Kenichiro Todoroki
University of Shizuoka, Japan
Analysis of biological compounds using pillar array columns

Professor Makoto Tsunoda
The University of Tokyo, Japan